Thursday, June 18, 2009

New York Reflections

New York City is just as I remembered it from my last trip there - busy, loud, and teaming with energy. As we set out from Boston, I anticipated the highlight of our stay in that state being a visit to Ground Zero. Our first stop in New York proved me wrong though - West Point. What an experience to visit that Academy and get the insider's tour. It gave me a renewed appreciation for the young people who selflessly enter into the service of this country.
Ellis Island surprised me as a close second to my favorite New York spot. Prior to this visit, I didn't understand how extensive a process it was for immigrants coming through Ellis Island. I didn't realize that it was more than just checking IDs and immigrants' outward appearances. The pictures and stories from this island will most definitely add to my immigration unit.

1 comment:

  1. As I have had a week to reflect on this trip more, first of all, I have to say that it has been interesting not to always have someone around.

    One of the most valuable parts of this trip for me was the more out-of-the way places we went. I was so impressed with the things I learned at Morristown and the Delaware Crossing site. These places were so beautiful, and they
    haven't been so "touristed out". It was easier to picture in my mind the events we were hearing about. I also learned a number of facts that I did not know before, and had some myths busted. It will change the way I teach these events. Thanks to Gene and Val (and Ty) for being willing to venture off the beaten paths. The bus time was worth it.
