Thursday, June 25, 2009

Making It Real

Now that I have had the opportunity for history to become real for myself, I will embark on a journey to make it become real for my students. Standing in Independence Hall, where the dream of many became a reality and began years of struggles was an unforgettable feeling. I only hope that through my experiences, I will be able to inspire my students to understand the sacrifices of many who came before us. Philadelphia was truly a highlight for me. Starting with the mad dash to see the Liberty Bell, Franklin Square, the Quaker Meeting Hall to the presentation in the Constitution Center, the Mint (even if it was not working), Betsy Ross' house and everything in between inspired me so much. Using the memories of my senses (although I didn't lick the bell---Riko???) during that day, I hope I can make it real for students. 5th graders want to experience things, not be told or read about them. My job has just begun to make it "real" for them. Thanks to all that I spent time with in Philadelphia- you each helped create a memory! Can I also say the signer's gallery was really interesting to me. Never have I been in a room with so many adults so close in size to my height!

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