Well, how do we get over not being around each other all the time? I've gotta say, I'm lonely. My cat just isn't as entertaining as the rest of you were. Is anyone else feeling almost lazy now? Man, I feel like if I haven't visited six or more historical places within three hours during my day that I haven't accomplished anything. I almost crave gas station quick lunches now! Anyway, *sniff*, I really am glad that I got to meet so many amazing teachers during our seminar. I feel honored to have been chosen for such an adventure. I can't wait to start sharing all that I learned and all the pictures I took with my upcoming students. Too bad my school doesn't have much of any kind of technology to work with, but I'll make due. I already had the chance to share with several of my district peers that many of the historical sites will send out teacher packets. They were all very excited to learn of that.
Thanks to everyone for making it a fantastic experience!
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