Hi all,
A number of you have asked questions regarding ticketing and scheduling my hope is this e-mail will address the majority of your questions. Following their letter is an adapted itinerary and answers to specific questions you have each posted. Lastly, please continue to complete your learning logs, and blogs. For those of you regularly visiting the blog you will note I have added a weblink to a video of David McCullough’s presentation in the SLC tabernacle this past week.
“Good Morning Teachers,
We are just a few weeks away from a fantastic history trip.
Here are a few reminders for our departure on June 9:
I. Airline Information:
A. Outbound flight :June 9 - 7:30 a.m. Meet at the Delta Check-In - We will check in as a group. We all have electronic tickets & will receive boarding passes at check in - SLC to Boston – 9:40 a.m. Delta Flt # 1254 - Non stop – Arrives 4:25 p.m.
B. Return flight: June 17 - Philadelphia. to SLC - 5:35 p.m Delta Flt. 1687– Non Stop – Arrives 8:30 p.m.
II. Per Diem, Materials money, $15 airline one bag check in each way
Will be sent to all teachers prior to the June 9th departure.
III. Teacher Stipend: $50 per day x 9 days
Will be sent to teachers following the trip
IV. Teacher Personal Information Needed
Drivers License - Medical Insurance Cards – Credit Card
V. Other:
Medications, good walking shoes, sunscreen, sun glasses, hat
Eye glasses, contact lenses, lip balm, swim suit.
VI. Education Materials
Be sure and bring all requested materials. Including:
A. Your one page (front and back) typed, hole punched paper dealing with your essential question.
B. The textbooks, “1776”, “John Adams” & “Miracle at Philadelphia”
C. Your three ring binder and journal.
We will see you bright and early June 9,
Val & Gene
Revolutionary War, 2009
Boston - New York - Philadelphia
“From the Boston Massacre to the Constitutional Convention”
READINGS: McCullough, 1776; McCullough, John Adams; Bowen, Miracle at Philadelphia
Tuesday 9 June - Day One
• Meet at Salt Lake International Airport 7:30 AM at Delta Check-In (Flight 1254 departs 9:40 AM)
• Fly to Logan International Airport,Boston - dinner at Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall Area
• Check in at Boston Park Plaza Hotel (617-426-2000)
• Orientation Meeting in hotel after check-in – Evening 2 hrs
Wednesday 10 June - Day Two
• Colonial antecedents: Plymouth Rock and Plimoth Plantation
• Adams Historical site in Quincy, including birthplaces, Stone Library, and the Old House (Peacefield)
Thursday 11 June - Day Three
Boston & the Freedom Trail, including the Common & Garden, Beacon Hill, Park Street Church, Old South Church, Old State House, Boston Massacre site, Faneuil Hall, Quincy Market, Paul Revere House, Old North Church, USS Constitution, and Bunker Hill
Friday 12 June - Day Four
• Cambridge, including Harvard Square and Longfellow National Historic Site (Washington’s Headquarters)
• Lexington, Concord, and Minuteman National Historic Park, Walden Pond
• Travel I-95 to Mystic CT Holiday Inn Express (860-572-9065)
Saturday 13 June - Day Five
• Mystic Seaport
• Leave Mystic for New York City via West Point and the lower Hudson Valley
• Check into Iroquois Hotel in New York City (212-840-3080), walk Times Square
Sunday 14 June - Day Six
Meet Anthony Napoli at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, hear a lecture on the history of NYC,
Tour NYC sites: Little Italy, Chinatown, Wall and Broad Streets, Ground Zero, the Statue of Liberty, and Ellis Island.
Monday 15 June - Day Seven
• Visit Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn Heights to Fort Washington in Upper Manhattan
• Revolutionary War sites in NJ, incl. Battles of Trenton and Princeton, and Morristown Winter Camp
• Travel to King of Prussia PA Holiday Inn Express (260 N. Gulph Rd)
Tuesday 16 June - Day Eight
• Philadelphia (morning and early afternoon) and Independence Hall Historical Park area, including Independence Hall, Carpenter's Hall, Franklin Court, Betsy Ross House, Reading Market, Constitution Center, Liberty Bell
• Valley Forge in the afternoon
Wednesday 17 June 30 - Day Nine
• Leave Philadelphia early: Visit Washington Crossing State Park
• Fly to SLC from Philadelphia (afternoon).
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